Armstrong Electrical Solutions LLC (360) 622-7082
  We provide Electrical Solutions for the San Juan Islands.
Innovative Quality…that sets us apart! ™

   Surge Protection
   Breakers & Safety
   Lighting Options
   Green & Efficient Energy

Surge Protection

Surge protection, also known as transient voltage surge suppression, is a very relevant issue within our Archipelago known as San Juan electrical community. We are unique to other electrical systems because we are located on islands served from the mainland with underwater cables, transfer stations and transformers that can have different characteristics than those found on the mainland. We also have unique secondary voltages leaving the transformers because of our average long runs to the residences, business and other structures offsetting voltage drops and amperage loss.

While standards are impeccably high from our utility, we should have protections installed for our homes and businesses to protect against transient voltage surges and anomalies such as lighting strikes.

For this reason Armstrong Electrical Solutions LLC addresses those special needs with a variety of whole house and special device products ranging from adequate protection for most surges to sophisticated power filtering and suppressants protecting from the blast of uncontrolled voltage anomalies.

Here is an example of a recent local surge issue.